Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Message From Mother Nature

1. Scientists debate if global warming/climate change is the reason to more frequent and intense weather extremes.
2. Heat wave: time when it is really hot in a big area
    Reluctant: unwilling or afraid
    Variability: being able to change
    Skeptics: people who ask questions in order to make sure something is factual and valid
3. Weather: the temperature the earth
    Climate: the weather over a long period of time
4. Heat wave, monsoon rain, flooding, snowstorm, rainstorms, droughts.
5. Once in Czech, it was really, really cold (around -20 degrees Celsius) during winter. It was so cold that the school had to be closed. I couldn't go outside to play. And even inside the house, it was quite cold. Also, there were a lot of car accidents on the street because the road was very slippery. There were also a lot of snowstorms which made hard for cars and people to move from place to place. It started from November and ended in the end of march, which is a lot longer than usual.
6. Perception: the understanding of something
7. I think that climate is really bad for the whole world. It makes very dry places even drier, and very wet places even wetter. It might also cause a lot of weather extremes, which would result in migration of people, and the reduction of growing food. I think that global warming is the main reason for such a drastic climate change.



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